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Association of Clinical Psychologists.jpg
British Association of Critical Care Nurses.jpeg
British Association of Dermatologists.png
British Dietetic Association.png
British Society of Gastroenterology.png
Centre for Pharmacy Postgraduate Education.jpg
College of Paramedics.jpg
Faculty of Public Health.png
Plant Based Health Professionals.jpg
Royal College of Anaesthetists.png
Royal College of Emergency Medicine.jpeg
Royal College of General Practitioners.png
Royal College of Pathologists.png
Royal College of Surgeons of England.jpg
Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists.jpg
Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health.jpg
Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow.jpg
Royal College of Psychiatrists.jpeg
Royal Pharmaceutical Society.png
The Society for Acute Medicine.jpg
A list of organisations who declined to participate or did not respond can be found here



All participating organisations are ranked by total score. However, recognising that organisations differ in size and nature, participants were also grouped in order to draw fairer and more relevant comparisons. The groups were:

  • Royal Colleges and Faculties

  • Smaller health organisations: Associations, Colleges, Societies & Centres for Education 

  • Health associations & societies without premises & staff 

Overall Results
CLIMATE & HEALTH SCORECARD INITIATIVE Overall Results 2022-2023 (1).png
Royal Colleges and Faculties
Smaller Health Organisations
Health Organisations
without premises and staff

The following organisations declined or did not respond to the invitation to participate: 

Nursing and midwifery
Allied Health and Social Work
Unions and Defence Associations
Association of Anaesthetists
College of General Dentistry
Royal College of Midwives
British Association of Prosthetists and Orthotists
British Psychological Society
Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons
International Pharmaceutical Federation
Pharmacists' Defence Association
British Infection Association
Faculty of Dental Surgery (England)
Royal College of Nursing
Chartered Society of Physiotherapy
British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy
Pharmaceutical Society of Northern Ireland
Nursing Standard Journal
British Medical Association
British Thoracic Society
Faculty of Dental Surgery (Edinburgh)
College of Osteopaths
Pharmacists' Defence Association
British Medical Journal
Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine
British Dental Association
British Association for Music Therapy
Primary Care Pharmacy Association
Faculty of Occupational Medicine
British Association of Dramatherapists
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Medicine
British Association of Social Workers
Royal College of Ophthalmologists
Royal College of Occupational Therapy
Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare
Royal College of Podiatry
Faculty of Sport and Exercise Medicine UK
Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists
Intensive Care Society
The British Association Of Art Therapists
Faculty of Physician Associates
Association of Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland
Faculty of Forensic & Legal Medicine
Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
Royal College of Physicians of London
Royal College of Radiologists
Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh
The British Association for the Study of the Liver
The Physiological Society
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